I Had to Trick My Mom into Seeing My Corte Madera Chiropractor for Her Own Good
My mother fell while trimming her roses. She was on a small step ladder that had three steps. I told her to always use the six foot ladder when trimming her roses so she could lean into it for balance. She said it was easier to carry and move the little ladder, and she wonders where I get my stubbornness. She fell into the grass, and the ground was soft. She did not break anything, but she wrenched her back. She was complaining of discomfort for weeks, and I kept telling her to go see my Corte Madera chiropractor. She was too stubborn to go.
She bought a back brace for her lower back that did not help. She tried every cream and potion, and they did not help either. I invited her out to lunch, and she went willingly because we were going to her favorite buffet on seafood Friday. However, I stopped at my Corde Madera chiropractor and asked her to come in with me while I got an adjustment. She told me she would wait in the car. I told her that it was hot, and I would have to waste gas leaving it running for her to have the air conditioner on. She saw good logic in that and went inside with me. Well, I had made the appointment for her, but I did not tell her.
I asked them to only call by last name when it was her turn. I asked her to go back with me instead of waiting out in the waiting room, so she came along. When we got back to the treatment room, the doctor asked about her back. She told him what had happened, and he asked to take a look. My mom thought nothing odd about the doctor asking to look at her back even though she thought it was my appointment. The doctor convinced her to get an x-ray and then an adjustment on her back. She walked out feeling great with a promise to go back to finish the therapy. We were at lunch when she remembered that I had not had my adjustment. I just smiled and finished my salad.