
Health and life

By - mobaon

Anti-Cholesterol Drug Recalled Due To 'Uncharacteristic Odor'


Almost two hundred thousand bottles of Pfizer’s anti-cholesterol drug named Lipitor was recalled last October 8 because of an unusual odor, which could give worries to its long time consumers. However, with further inspection of the said recalled tablets, there were no found risks to its consumers. According to Pfizer spokesman Rick Chambers in his CNN appearance, the odor came from the bottles of certain supplier company. A total of seven batches of the said medicine was recalled in U.S. and states alone. However, consumers should not worry, as this recalling would not cause any shortage of the product. The product’s so called “uncharacteristic odor” does not also cause any health risks, thus, should anyone encounter this smell in their Lipitor should not worry at all. FDA, or the Food and Drug Association says that there is a number of reports regarding the uncharacteristic odor of the Lipitor, which is primarily caused by its packaging. Due to the worry of some consumers, Pfizer recalled a certain batch of the medication and conducted a medical assessment for it. It is determined that the so called odor has nothing to do with the drug’s efficacy and does not cause adverse health consequences. Hence, taking the product is still safe, and should be continued to those who need it. However, should there be an uncharacteristic odor with the tablet you have purchased, kindly return them to the pharmacist where you purchased it. Any inquiries regarding the product should be addressed to the Lipitor hotline, 1-888-LIPITOR. Should there be queries about your medication, kindly call your doctor or pharmacist.

By - mobaon

Four Things About Eniva Vibe You Should Know


1. All-In-One Nutritional Supplement

As you age, the body replaces cells in your organs and tissues. Why, then, are they often not as good as when you were younger? One of the primary answers is STRESS.

Bodily stress is caused by many things?mental strain, physical exertion, environmental toxins like cigarette smoke and pesticides, even poor diets! Stress can be dangerous because damaging molecules called FREE RADICALS are generated. Free radicals are harmful scavengers created INSIDE your body that cause tremendous harm and accelerate the signs of aging?disrupting body systems, destroying cell membranes, mutating cells, even reprogramming your body?s DNA! However, ANTIOXIDANTS are nature?s way of fighting harmful free radical scavengers.

Antioxidants convert free radicals into HARMLESS elements and neutralize their damaging effects. VIBE?s ANTIOX2? blend is a comprehensive formula of MULTIPLE antioxidant-rich nutrients. It has the highest certified antioxidant potency of any supplement in liquid formulation. VIBE?s ANTIOX2? helps the body neutralize the damaging effects of free radicals to effectively combat the aging process.*

* Powerful antioxidant capability*
* Helps the body counteract dangerous free radicals responsible for aging*
* Nourishes healthy skin and hair*
* Promotes energy and stamina*
* Helps the body neutralize harmful environmental toxins*

Combining multiple and specific anti-aging nutrients, just like adding ingredients to a gourmet meal, requires correct amounts, balanced ratios, and the right mixing techniques. If any one component is out of balance, just like in making a gourmet meal, the end result is Disappointing. That is why no other company has been able to perfect a comprehensive ALL-IN-ONE anti-aging supplement. Most companies focus either on one primary ingredient and promote the benefits of that ONE ingredient as a total health answer, OR combine very, very small (and ineffective) amounts of many ingredients to make the label ?look? good. The end result is a product that delivers very little nutritional benefit.

2. Product For Our Times

The development of VIBE? has been years in the making. The pioneer of water-soluble nutrient delivery technology – the Eniva Corporation – offers VIBE as the benchmark by which other liquid nutritional supplements are measured. The success of the company’s line of potent, water-soluble nutrients has helped millions of people and has laid the foundation for the development of VIBE.

Eniva’s VIBE is different – more scientifically advanced as compared to other multi-nutrient supplements on the market today.

a. Facts with Integrity

Interpreting the labels of some multi-nutrient products is like trying to read a foreign language? you’re just not sure what they’re saying. Some companies do not even know the amounts of some ingredients in their products – they say “it varies from one batch to another” or “there is really no way to know the true amounts.” At Eniva, not only do they verify raw material sourcing and have a government inspected manufacturing facility, they provide a detailed listing of the consistent ingredients and their amounts in each VIBE bottle.

b. Scientific Balance

Eniva devotes a tremendous amount of research and development effort to its products. Ironically, the science of correct nutrient ratios and interactions is often overlooked by most nutritional manufacturers. At Eniva, the laws of chemistry and body balance have been respected. No ingredient is sourced, or technical process explored unless it is grounded in qualified, scientific principles. Volumes of research documents, clinical studies, and test results are reviewed by Eniva’s R&D Team as new technologies are explored. VIBE truly incorporates the best of both science and nature.

c. Unique Ingredients

VIBE contains high-dose Green Tea and Aloe Vera Gel in each serving. These unique ingredients possess a multitude of health benefits well known to the scientific community.*

d. High ORAC Score

Short for Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity, ORAC is an analysis that measures the total antioxidant power of foods and other substances. It indicates the amount of dangerous free radicals an antioxidant can “absorb” or neutralize. Scientific findings from the USDA suggest that eating plenty of high-ORAC fruits and vegetables may help slow the aging process in the body and brain. Eniva’s VIBE has one of the highest ORAC scores on the market derived from natural fruits, vegetables, and botanical sources.

e. Class 10,000 Production

VIBE is formulated and produced within a Class 10,000 Clean Room Manufacturing Facility. This is the same type of environment where heart pacemakers and super-computer chips are manufactured. Eniva has complete control over environmental factors such as air quality, temperature, pressure, and other variables. VIBE goes through strict process controls and inspections to ensure both safety and efficacy.

3. Pioneering Breakthroughs in Anti-Aging Science

Did you know the aging process can actually be accelerated by nutritional deficiency, stress, and environmental factors?
The good news is scientific study has shown you can slow the biological aging process! And in many cases, even reverse symptoms of aging by:

a. Meeting your body?s nutritional needs.
b. Neutralizing the effects of stress and free radicals.
c. Strengthening your body?s immune system.
d. Targeting health risks with specialized nutrients.

It takes the entire combination of ALL these factors to effectively help your body manage and slow the aging process.

No ONE special ingredient or ancient berry answers all your body?s complex needs. Just as a song requires more than one note to become a beautiful melody, your body needs to address ALL aspects of the aging process to restore its natural vigor and brilliance.

Never before has the ability to successfully address ALL factors of the aging process in ONE nutritional supplement been available. Most supplements are only able to address one, maybe even two factors, but with VIBE? there is now an ALL-IN-ONE answer for the ENTIRE aging process. VIBE? delivers the most recognized breakthroughs in anti-aging technology WITH the addition of specialized nutrients. VIBE? is a comprehensive, 100% natural formulation able to address modern health concerns while providing the best of anti-aging science.

Discover VIBE? and re-discover your body?s natural vigor and brilliance? for the rest of your life.

Eniva Corporation is the FIRST company in the world to perfect a true ALL-IN-ONE nutritional supplement addressing ALL aspects of the aging process. It?s called VIBE? and comes to you with a commitment of safety, quality, and effectiveness.

4. Eniva Corporation

On May 1, 1998, a group of entrepreneurs from Minneapolis, Minnesota, founded Eniva with the vision of creating a company that delivered value-based success in the network marketing industry. If the past is any indicator, Eniva is certainly on track. Eniva is a debt-free company doing in excess of $10 million in annual sales with more than 100,000 Members across the country. Eniva?s product line is manufactured in-house, allowing complete control over materials, quality, and margins. Eniva’s corporate office is a beautiful, 40,000 square-foot facility that currently houses a Class 10,000 R&D laboratory and FDA/Dept. of Ag.-inspected manufacturing facility. More than 50 employees support operations at the Home Office. The foundation upon which Eniva stands today is indeed solid.

Fundamental to Eniva’s success is the fact it manufactures 99% of the products it distributes. This allows for complete control of sourcing, product integrity, and margins. This aspect of control, facilitated by their USDA certified manufacturing facility and Class 10,000 Research & Development laboratory, no only allows for significant manufacturing capability, but also the development of new breakthrough technologies to fuel Eniva’s ever-growing product line.

– USDA certified manufacturing facility
– Class 10,000 Research & Development Laboratory
– Specialized air and water purification systems
– In-house and independent lab testing confirm the contents of each Eniva product
– Dynamic and innovative Research & Development Team

More Information

Visit: Eniva VIBE | Work From Home

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease; research is ongoing.

By - mobaon

Addiction to Drugs And Alcohol an Irreparable Damage


Nowadays young boys and girls are prone towards the very dangerous addiction that is of Drugs and alcohol. We feel very badly for our loved ones when we find them in utter distress due to these bad astringents. It becomes unbearable on our part to undergo such pain when we find our very own ones into great trouble. In the long run of life it so happens that our loved ones excel so masterfully in this not so good act that we as family and friends are unable to handle their lives and inconclusively what happens is that we one day get the news of their ultimate tragic demise. Drug and alcohol addiction are the major causes of the teenagers being so outrageous and loud. The percentage of people addicted to drugs and alcohol has been growing at a very faster rate all over the world. There are various kinds of people who are getting addicted to different types of drugs every moment of time. The worst hit section of the society is that of the Teenagers or in other words the youngsters. When a person gets addicted to drugs it has a lot of effects on his mind and body both. There are drugs namely heroin and cocaine which have an everlasting impact on the brains of an individual, making him very much dependent as well as they have such dangerous results that the person who is once affected by them suffers from acute need of another dose of drugs whenever needed. If not treated under the correct span of time, the addict may suffer acute pain and can also lose his attention in life. Contrary to this alcohol also has some adverse effects on an individual though the effects are a minor one. These can become major if the dose of alcohol increases and if the treatment is not done within the limited span of time. It can cause incurable diseases like liver jaundice and the failure of most important body parts like the kidneys and the heart. Conversely, the treatment of drug addiction is a very hectic task and it needs a lot of care as well as plans which can only be provided from a drug and alcohol rehab centre. Everybody wants to save his loved one from the very major negative results of drug and alcohol and so a lot of planning is required for the treatment of this addiction. The best way is getting together and planning a Drug Intervention as well as an Alcohol Intervention for the security of your loved one. This intervention will help him getting rid of this treacherous habit and he will much relieved. It sometimes happens that the users do not like to get treated in such a manner but before getting them treated it is very necessary for them to understand that they will not prosper in achieving those things which they value if they are not in the mood of getting the correct care and treatment. Sometimes the addicts have to pay a great price for the treatment that they have to undergo. Intervention Services are available in almost all the nook and corner of the country due to the excess amount of people who are getting addicted to drug and alcohol. An intervention consists of a team which looks after whole process of the intervention. This is followed by some meetings within the team members and then the final confrontation with the addict about the problem. Once the addict is comfortable with the problem and gives in the final process can start without any further obstacles with the intervention specialist giving their undying and adept service for the sake of saving the life of an individual.

By - mobaon

Hormone Replacement Therapy For Low Testosterone Treatment


As men age their testosterone levels slowly decline, with significant decreases common in men over 40. Low testosterone levels inhibit our ability to maintain lean body mass, handle stress, and perform sexually. While this is a natural process, some of these conditions can be avoided with the various treatments available for low testosterone. Hormone Replacement Therapy is a popular treatment designed to keep testosterone levels in the higher end of the normal range as men age, thereby eliminating many of the above listed symptoms of aging.

There are various facts about male hormone therapy which every man should be aware of. Some of these include:

1. Hundreds of hormones are responsible for the chemistry of the body. Male hormones like Testosterone, Human Growth Hormone, Estrogen, Cortisol, DHEA and Thyroid are responsible for the aging process that occurs in our bodies.

2. Hormone treatment, when done correctly, is quite safe for men, with no negative side effects.

3. While all hormones in men are important, testosterone is by far the most important one. Reduction in the levels of testosterone results in a condition which can be termed as male menopause.

4. Not only is male hormone therapy completely safe, it is also quite healthy. Within 4 to 6 weeks of this treatment, men can feel considerably better than they did before the therapy. Such treatments result in balanced hormones in the body which helps the body fight off illnesses like Alzheimer’s.

5. There is no single treatment that can be applied to every man. An effective hormone treatment is one that is customized for each individual and results in a well balanced level of hormones in the body.

6. Regular testing of hormone levels is important to ensure appropriate treatment.

Optimal Male Hormones and Male Hormone Replacement Therapy

Not every man has the same optimal level of hormones. In fact, misjudging this level is where most treatment programs and physicians go wrong. Most men have optimal testosterone levels which are near the higher extreme of the laboratory tested results which range from 80pg to 240pg.

The effects of low testosterone levels start becoming apparent in most men once free testosterone levels fall to 130pg or below. When this happens, several symptoms start appearing. While diagnosing these symptoms, physicians and doctors often tell their patients that there’s nothing wrong as the testosterone level is still within the laboratory testing range. However, low testosterone levels need to be treated to restore prior levels so that patients can continue to maintain a high quality of life and stay physically active.

Effective Male Hormone Replacement Therapy

Hormone replacement therapy should meet the following criteria:

By - mobaon

No Prescription Online Pharmacies Is The New Modern Revolution


Do you understand about the benefits of buying medicines online from no prescription online pharmacies? With the latest advancement in technology, it is now possible to buy medicines from online medicine stores. You can order and fulfil all your medicine needs right from your home. And you can buy all the medicines you need without any prescription. No Prescription Online Pharmacies has become a modern revolution. This is a medicine store guide that includes all the necessary information to buy different medicines online. Buying medicines online has become a unique approach that can make your life easier. No prescription online medicine stores can fulfil all your medicine needs with the help of online pharmacist and get the medicines to you right at your doorstep. Today, you don’t have to wait in a long line and pay fees to meet your doctor. Those days are over. Online medicine stores also offer you the chance to see a list of the medicines available with them. You can yourself see and select the medicines that you need. It offers a number of choices to choose from. After selecting the necessary medicines, you can simply pay for them and get them delivered to you. The payment can be done as per your convenience using any credit card. Chose an online medicine store, that is licensed and approved by the FDA or other such agencies. Also chose the online medicine store that offers the best value for your money. Another factor to look for is the quality of medicines sold by the store. Check if the store sells quality medicines made by well known and reputed medicine manufacturers. Also check if the store has a secure payment system or not for the transactions. You will find all these features available at many reliable online pharmacies, where you can buy medicines from a wide range and at the best price.

By - mobaon

Healthy Parents Impart Healthy Habits in Children


The quality of life of children is dependent on the lifestyle of the parents, since their presence is directly felt in their children’s life. Healthy attitudes of parents positively influence every aspect of a child’s life, right from physical development to mental health and social wellbeing. Hence, parents should adopt healthy lifestyle which will generally be passed on to their kids. In this article, we will discuss about the importance of parents being healthy. No birth defects in new-born babies: A baby in a healthy mother’s womb enjoys good health. New born babies with perfect health have low risk of birth defects like low weight, seizures, impaired or joined limbs, neurological and heart defects. Staying away from unhealthy habits (such as smoking, alcohol or drug abuse) and by adopting healthy habits such as regular exercise, good eating habits, meditation, etc. avoids any kind of hurdles in the baby’s development and delivery. Good physical and mental health: The overall wellbeing of parents directly influences the children’s health. The greater endurance of the physical body and a good mental health of the child are shaped right from the early stages of development. Parents’ healthy habits motivate the child to adopt the same healthy lifestyle; this makes him/her physically and mentally fit. Less behavioral problems: Children of those parents who stay away from unhealthy habits such as smoking, drug or alcohol abuse are found to have low risk of developing behavioral problems such as autism, phobias, dyslexia, mental retardation, ADHD, depression, etc. There will be a great neurological development in the babies born to healthy parents, thus they are gifted with good understanding, learning, behavioral and decision-making skills. Good academic performance: Having a healthy body and exposure to healthy living environment makes the kids mentally active and highly intelligent. Parents with right attitudes motivate their children to be good performers. These children will have high levels of IQ, good grasping skills, good analyzing skills, high willingness to learn and high confidence on themselves. All these characteristics and the positive support extended by their parents not only make them successful human beings but also excellent performers in the academics and career. No genetic risk of unhealthy habits: Unhealthy habits such as drug abuse, smoking, and alcohol abuse are sometimes hereditary. Hence, parents with any of the above said habits are most likely to give birth to children more vulnerable to these harmful habits. Moreover, some drugs when abused by mothers during pregnancy are found to cause genetic disorders in children which lead to many physical and mental abnormalities and sometimes lessen their chances of survival. Therefore, parents by staying away from these kinds of unhealthy practices will lead a happy and healthy life, thus passing the same to their children too. Healthy and happy family: A family can be happy only when all the members of the family are in perfect health and harmony. Healthy parents impart healthy values and lifestyles in their children. In this kind of families, every member supports other’s wellbeing, thus creating an overall healthy and happy environment. All the above mentioned points conclude that healthy parents impart healthy habits in children. Conversely, unhealthy habits of parents will be taken as an example and excuse by the children to do the same. Hence, healthy parents are the basis for the formation of a healthy family.

By - mobaon

Find The Best Christian Addiction Recovery Centers


The first step towards getting clean of addiction is for the addict to realize the need to stay away from the drugs or alcohol, whatever is the source of his addiction. But for him to do so, his family should show solidarity and support. Often, despair grips the family of an addict when they see their loved ones losing his way, taking to drugs and alcohol and often shuns him out of embarrassment or sometimes opt for violent intervention. But often it makes matters worse for the addict and might aggravate his addiction. It is the duty of the family to help him realize his mistake through love and compassion and then take him to a good Christian addiction recovery centre to get him clean. Now, one question that might surface is, how do you choose among the various addiction recovery centers. For this, there are several factors that you need to consider. You should go through the list of professionals working at the center and see their records. You should also look for the relapse rate of these centers and opt for the one that has the minimum relapse rate. Also, you should decide whether you would be comfortable with an in-house treatment or in a more relaxed environment, like a garden. The type of therapy offered by the rehab center should also be taken into consideration. While some people may respond better to group therapies, other might require individual attention. Privacy is also a deciding factor while choosing your rehab facility. You should also look at the nature and extent of medical care available within the facility. Another important factor is the time of the rehabilitation program and whether the center provides continuing care even after you are clean, to make sure you stay away from alcohol and drugs for good. Apart from these general considerations, a good Christian addiction recovery center should have a good church with a pastor where the inmates can pray and attend the sermons. These centers use the addict’s faith in God to probe into his inner self and see the light within and to understand the problems in his life that have led him to take the way of addiction. Once they cause is identified, one can try to solve the problems and thus get away from addiction permanently. A good Christian rehab center also performs readings of the bible with the belief that the teaching of the bible and the faith in God will strengthen the willpower of the person to get rid of his addition and transform the person from someone lost in the wilderness of life to one who is in complete control of his senses and can clearly see the light at the end of his path and leads a biblical and faith based life. Thus, as the goodness in the person is brought to the forefront, he experiences the divinity and realizes how this new life free from drugs is much better than the old one that he has been leading. This helps him to stay clean of drugs in future. Article Source:

By - mobaon

Factors That Contribute to Gingivitis


Gingivitis is the most common and mildest form of oral / dental diseases. Gingivitis is characterized by the inflammation and bleeding of the gums, particularly during tooth brushing. The gums also change the colour from pink to dark red. Because gingivitis is rarely painful in its early stages, goes unnoticed until severe irritation may occur. The main cause of gingivitis is plaque (biofilm), a soft, sticky film that forms on teeth when starches and sugars react with bacteria in the mouth. Plaque accumulation occurs between teeth and gums, space unpeeled adequately. If not removed within 72 hours, plaque hardens and can not be removed by brushing or flossing. The best defence against gingivitis is brushing and flossing after meals, and professional cleaning every 3-4 months. If left untreated, gingivitis can lead to a worse state – Paradontosis, while bacterial toxins can lead by their action to tooth loss. Other factors that contribute to gingivitis: Drugs, some drugs can create a favourable environment for plaque accumulation. Oral contraceptives may increase the microbial flora that contributes to gingivitis. Viral and fungal infections also may adversely affect gum health. Hormonal changes; during periods of hormonal fluctuations such as pregnancy and menopause, women may become more susceptible to gingivitis. Poor nutrition – a diet lacking in adequate amounts of calcium, vitamin c, vitamin b, increases the risk of developing the periodontal disease. Smoking – tobacco consumption may be one of the most important risk factors in causing periodontal diseases. Stress and depression – are linked to an increased risk of periodontal disease because they cause an increase in smoking and poor oral hygiene. Gingivitis can be prevented by good care of teeth, if brushing is done properly every day, if floss is regularly used and if professional cleaning is frequent. The first step in gingivitis treatment is teeth cleaning, plaque and tartar removal. This cleaning can cause pain, especially if the gum is tender. Cleaning procedure is known as scaling. Teeth with alignment defects, in relief fillings or dental work done badly, such as bridges and crowns, can make difficult the dental plaque removal. Teeth can be straightened to minimize plaque accumulation, fillings can be replaced, and dental work may be recast. The role that the dietary supplement Noni from Calivita has: Noni CaliVita is a very important nutrient, every cell in your body needing its components, thereby protecting against many diseases including the paradontosis. Noni is an excellent antioxidant at the cellular level by neutralizing free radicals. A study has shown that people who do not consume adequate amounts of calcium every day are subject to the risk of periodontal disease. Studies have shown that men and women who have low levels of calcium were twice as likely to have periodontal disease. Noni contains natural form of calcium. Noni is an astringent antioxidant which locally applied inhibits the growth of bacteria involved in dental caries. Vitamin C deficiency also can cause gingivitis. In a study on a group of subjects, with paradontale disease, who typically consumed 25-30 mg of vitamin C daily, were supplemented with an additional 70mg of vitamin C. They have experienced meaningful improvements in gingival tissue, after only 6 weeks. Noni contains abundant amounts of vitamin C. The consumption of Noni is therefore a natural treatment against gingivitis, preventing worsening and escalation problems of the mouth.

By - mobaon

Fortunate Breakthrough of Generic Viagra And Other Drugs


Researchers usually spend so much time in their labs to seek out cures to several ailments. On the other hand, there are many medications that were serendipitously discovered by accidents, like generic Viagra, Kamagra, as well as other important medications. So, what exactly are these medications that were discovered unintentionally and also have been used worldwide as a cure for certain ailments? 1. Generic Viagra or Sildenafil citrate. Primarily intended by manufacturer Pfizer’s Kent center to deal with angina and hypertension. When the medicine first underwent clinical trials, it did not perform as intended and it didn’t have an impact on angina. At the same time, scientists discovered that Viagra brought about erections on male members. After this observation, Pfizer decided to market Sildenafil citrate as an ed medication in 1998. Consequently, many men worldwide have treated this medicine as the answer to the problem of impotence. Throughout the past few years, Kamagra, generic Cialis, and generic Levitra have emerged as generic Viagra’s competitors. Right now, however, men continue to buy generic Viagra from drugstores. This medicine, however, mustn’t be used by those who take medications with nitrates. People who would like to buy generic Viagra should buy this little blue pill from local and online drugstores. 2. Smallpox. An English doctor named Edward Jenner first discovered that the development of smallpox can be avoided by inoculating people with cowpox pus. The doctor discovered how milkmaids didn’t contract smallpox after being exposed to cowpox and conducted an experiment using cowpox pus on his gardener’s child. Today, the smallpox vaccine comes from the vaccinia virus, a milder kind of the smallpox virus. It has effectively eradicated smallpox in the world today. 3. Penicillin. This prescription antibiotic was discovered inadvertently by Alexander Fleming in his research laboratory. The invention of penicillin started the investigation and breakthrough discovery of other antibiotics, like amoxicillin, co-trimoxazole, azithromicyn, and erythromycin. This medicine can be used to take care of bacterial infections, but not infections brought on by viruses. 4. Warfarin. This medicine was discovered after a veterinarian observed numerous cattle dying from hemorrhage that stops their blood from clotting. The hemorrhage was brought on by eating a certain clover that has moldy silage. Warfarin or Coumadin is one of the most popular anticoagulant prescribed by doctors for patients who may have embolism or thrombosis. Furthermore, this compound was also used as rat poison. The use of Warfarin as a rat poison has declined, however, due to the fact that rats have developed resistance to it. 5. Botox. This toxin was discovered after several people were poisoned after eating meat which was not handled appropriately. Consequently, it was utilized by doctors to erase frown lines, treat hyperhidrosis, and migraine. It can also be used to treat excessive blinking, squinting, and pain that come from temporomandibular joint disorder. Most medications today are produced through considerable research and fine-tuning. Fortunately, there are medications that are discovered by accident, like generic Viagra, Botox, and Warfarin. People who want to buy generic Viagra and other such drugs can easily do so today. Because of science and a little bit of luck, people’s health are so much better today.

By - mobaon

It’s Never Too Late to Stop Your Bad Habits


Are your bad habits holding you back from enjoying the healthy and peaceful life? Do you think that you are in a position from where it is not possible to come out of your bad habits? Don’t worry, here is the good news. It is never too late to come out of your bad habits! In order to come out of your bad habits, you will first need to understand the importance of establishing a healthy lifestyle and the common reasons that make people not stop bad habits. Importance of establishing a healthy lifestyle Healthy lifestyle provides good physical and mental health. It keeps us away from diseases or illnesses thereby increasing our lifespan. A good diet, exercise and managed stress levels are some of the healthy practices. However, it is not possible to change your lifestyle at once. Small positive changes over a period of time can break your bad habits. Common excuses for not breaking bad habits Though many people today are aware of the benefits of healthy lifestyle or harmful effects of bad habits, many try to give reasons when asked to stop them. More than reasons, they are myths that are associated with breaking bad habits. Here we will have a look on some of them. ???I am fine from years – no need to stop bad habits You may think that there is no need to stop your bad habits as you did not have any health issue from a long time. You may be lucky, but remember there are many chances of you getting seriously ill at any time. Bad habits like drug or alcohol abuse negatively affects all the vital body organs in such a way that once you get sick, it will be almost impossible to come back to normal health. So it is better to reduce and slowly stop unhealthy habits to minimize the possible health risks in future. ???I am too old to exercise You may think that you are too old to follow healthy practices like doing physical exercise. You need to remember that everybody irrespective of their age can do exercise. If you are too old, consult your doctor as he may suggest you simple exercises. Remember, many health problems like osteoarthritis, obesity, and certain cancers require regular exercises along with regular treatment. ???Changing diet at this age doesn’t help People generally think that changing food habits at a certain age has no effect on health. You need to understand that a good and healthy diet is essential at any age. A healthy diet reduces the risk of heart diseases, cancer and many other diseases. Antioxidants present in the fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, and whole grains fight against many diseases. There are many health problems which may result at any age due to improper diet. ???I am abusing drugs from years – damage is already done One of the major problems with drug or alcohol abusers is that they always think negatively. They generally think that “I am abusing drugs from years, damage is already done. Even if I practice healthy habits now, it won’t help.” One needs to understand that healthy lifestyle can reduce the further damage. It may also lessen the present ill-effects of the body. Since bad habits are associated with many negative effects, it is important that you get rid of them. You may think that it is a very difficult task. Believe me it is easier than you think. What is necessary to stop bad habits? Willingness to stop bad habits itself is a big achievement. However, the below mentioned points help you in avoiding or breaking the bad habits. Awareness You should be aware of the health issues that are caused due to unhealthy bad habits. Educate yourself on the nutrition, exercising, and other things you need to practice. Internet is the best source to get information on health. You can also consult your doctor to get help. Get a clear vision on the things that you need to avoid and things that you need to practice. Commitment A strong commitment is key for success in any work. Though it may take time to completely stop bad habits, you should have a firm commitment to avoid the practice of bad habits. Make yourself clear and committed to the goal. Based on your commitment you can observe and experience the positive attitudes of exercising and being healthy. Planning A proper planning is essential to have a new and healthy lifestyle. Prepare a step by step plan to change the habits. Make a list of ‘things to do’ to support the new healthy habits. Also design a plan to deal obstacles and bad habits. Practice You cannot benefit unless you put the plan into action. You can really observe the changes in your lifestyle by regular implementation of healthy living practices. You should be patient and persistent to find the associated good results. Remember, breaking your bad habits is in your own hands. Now that you are aware of the issues with bad habits, myths associated with them and most importantly what it needs to stop them, make sure that you are going in the right direction. So start avoiding bad habits and practice healthy living from today itself.